What can Aluminum do to your Body?

Most people are becoming more aware of what they are putting into their bodies and that is great! It shows that we as a whole are taking initiative of our lives and making better choices.  Our skin absorbs about 60 percent of products that we place on it or accidentally spills on to our bodies.  This is why it is so important to pay attention to the ingredients in items and if you cannot understand it, look it up.  We, as individuals have to take control of our own health because we our the first line of care.  Once chemicals enter our body, they seep into our bloodstreams and lymphatic system.  Deodorant with aluminum can be hazardous because especially for women, our breast are one of the first lymph nodes reached from our armpits.  This increases the chances of breast cancer and with an accumulation of using deodorant daily, the build up of aluminum can cause severe damage to the body.  Being cautious of what we put into our bodies is more important now than ever because so many companies and industries are putting horrible chemicals in their products as long as they can get away with it. Show your body more love and switch to a natural alternative!
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